White Fillings
Say Goodbye to ugly, silver amalgam fillings.
With technological advancements in cosmetic dentistry, we can now match the natural colour of a tooth so that it is barely noticeable using composite, white fillings.
Composite Fillings
What We Do
Veneers Veneers Veneers are an ideal solution to cosmetically enhance a smile while still maintaining healthy tooth structure. Veneers are shells that can be used
Bonding & Re Contours
Bonding &Re Contours Bonding Cosmetic bonding is a quick solution to repair chipped, worn and disfigured teeth. Tooth coloured filling materials are adhered to the
White Fillings
White Fillings Say Goodbye to ugly, silver amalgam fillings. With technological advancements in cosmetic dentistry, we can now match the natural colour of a tooth
Bridges, Crowns and Cosmetic Bonding
Bridges, Crowns Cosmetic Bonding Bridges. If you are missing one or several teeth a bridge is an alternative to dentures. Bridges are natural-looking artificial teeth